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About Us

Wir sind auf der Mission Tabus zu brechen und den Körper und die Bedürfnisse von Frauen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen.

Hi, I'm Vanessa...

... the founder of the Female Pleasure Society. It's about time women's desire and sexual needs finally got the attention they deserve. Unfortunately, there are still too few products that are specifically tailored to the needs of the female body. Addressing the subject of sex and one's own needs is still difficult and uncomfortable. A new movement is needed that focuses on women's sexual desire.

Our goal is to put the woman in the center and to help her achieve her full sexual well-being.

Our Advisory Board

"Ich unterstütze ohtastic seit Beginn an, nicht nur wegen ihren großartigen Produkten sondern ihrer Mission Tabus zu brechen rund um die Themen Women's Wellness."

- Paula Leech | Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor

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